
9:30AM - 12:00PM & 1:00PM - 3:30PM

02 9587 9611

Senior Pet Project: Betty White

Betty White, a 12-year-old Maltese-cross, who entered the Home in March, is the epitome of the seniors who need the special care that is provided by The Senior Pet Project.  Betty, a tottering old girl was brought in as a stray.  Her fur was dirty and matted, and her breath was putrid.  Our vet team performed a health assessment and it was clear by Betty’s neglected state that she hadn’t been to a vet in a very long time, if at all.  We did have contact with her owners, and they did not want Betty back so she came into our care.

The treatment plan was quickly developed and set into action.  Betty underwent major dental work, resulting in the extraction of most of her teeth. She had surgery for the removal of numerous mammary tumours.  She also had a complete shave as the knotting of her coat was so extensive it had to be cut back to her skin. What emerged may not have been the prettiest girl, at least not yet, but Betty had a new leash on life and was alert, friendly and energetic.

Betty enjoyed three weeks at the Home.  She was our much loved office dog and spent the days greeting all our visitors.  Until one day a very special group of visitors came, Lucy and Kelly, and their roommate Ami.  The trio instantly fell in love with our Betty White and adopted her that day.

With your support we are looking to raise $100,000 by 30 June to fund the Senior Pet Project for the next 12 months, enabling us to provide the seniors with the much needed care to set them up for success in their twilight years.  Donate now to support the Senior Pet Project.

Give a New Leash on Life, Support the Senior Pet Project

As Sydney’s only registered charity pound and active rehoming facility, Sydney Dogs and Cats Home has been opening its doors to lost and abandoned pets for over 72 years. Sadly, embracing neglected seniors is all too familiar to us, and in recent times it seems we are experiencing an increase in the numbers of senior dogs and cats needing our help.

This increased demand was the catalyst for the Senior Pet Project, a new Sydney Dogs and Cats Home initiative. We have created the Senior Pet Project as a means not only to put a spotlight on these golden oldies to help with their rehoming, but also to raise the funds required for their much needed veterinary care and often prolonged stay at the Home.

Not surprisingly, the majority of senior cases do require extra veterinary treatment. This additional cost may be the reason why many owners do not reclaim their senior pets. Seniors also tend to have a longer stay in the shelter or foster care whilst we search for a suitable home, and in some cases that one in a million person willing to provide love and palliative care in a pet’s final months, weeks or even days.

With your support we are looking to raise $100,000 by 30 June to fund the Senior Pet Project for the next 12 months, enabling us to provide the seniors with the much needed care to set them up for success in their twilight years, just like Elf pictured right.  Support the Senior Pet Project today.

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