All volunteers and staff members are expected to observe the highest standards of ethics, integrity and behaviour at
all times when dealing with clients, learners, colleagues, members of the community and/or other
external agencies.
Volunteers and staff are considered to be valued members of the Organisation and valued
ambassadors for the Organisation. Professionalism is vital whether working within
the Organisation or representing the Organisation externally. You are expected to respect
and protect the Organisation’s reputation and standing in the community.
You must perform your duties with skill, care, diligence, honesty, integrity, and impartiality and
be scrupulous in using the Organisations’ information, money, property, goods and services.
You must fulfil the service commitments in good faith and in a timely manner.
You should behave with civility towards fellow colleagues, clients and members of the public, whilst at work. Rudeness will not be permitted. Objectionable or insulting behaviour or bad language may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.
You should use your best endeavours to promote the interests of the organisation and shall, during normal working hours, devote the whole of your time, attention and abilities to the organisation and its affairs.
Any involvement in activities which could be construed as being in competition with the organisation is not allowed.
You are required to adhere to essential standards of customer service. Specifically:
• attend to customers and your jobs promptly
• introduce yourself by name
• acknowledge customers by name when possible
• greet and thank customers courteously
• listen and respond in an attentive way to customer inquiries
• be polite, friendly and welcoming when communicating with customers, whether it be in person or by any other means
• do not swear or speak crudely in front of customers
• respect and protect customer property and
• protect confidential information relating to customers.
This list is not exhaustive.
You may not be involved, employed or engaged in any activity which may be or is likely to create a conflict of interest. The organsiation may take whatever action it determines appropriate to avoid the actual or potential conflict of interest. Such action may include: transfers, reassignments, changing shifts, or, where the organisation deems such action appropriate, termination of employment.
We maintain a policy of “minimum waste”, which is essential to the cost-effective and efficient running of the business.
You are able to promote this policy by taking extra care during your normal duties by avoiding unnecessary or extravagant use of services, time, energy, etc. The following points are illustrations of this:
• handle machines, equipment and stock with care
• turn off any unnecessary lighting and heating
• keep doors closed whenever possible
• double side printing, including re-using scrap paper, where possible
• ask for other work if your job has come to a standstill and
• start with the minimum of delay after arriving for work and after breaks
• any damage to stock or property (including non-statutory safety equipment)
that is the result of your carelessness, negligence or deliberate vandalism will render you liable
to pay the full or part of the cost of repair or replacement and
• any loss to the organisation that is the result of your failure to observe rules,
procedures or instruction, or is as a result of your negligent behaviour or your unsatisfactory
standards of work, will render you liable to reimburse to us the full or part of the cost of the
Consistent with the culture of the organisation, you will be expected to present a professional image
with regard to your appearance and standards of dress and maintain excellent standards of personal
hygiene at all times. You should wear clothes appropriate to your job responsibilities, and they
should be kept clean and tidy at all times. Personal protective equipment (PPE) and clothing may be
issued for your protection because of the nature of your job and if issued must be worn and used at
all appropriate times. Failure to do so could be a contravention of your health and safety
responsibilities. Once issued, this PPE is your responsibility.
If you arrive for work in a manner that does not comply with this policy, your manager will advise
you that you are not dressed or groomed appropriately to perform your duties. As a result you may
be sent home to change with any resulting lost time being unpaid. Any deliberate or persistent
breaches of this policy may result in disciplinary action being taken against you. If you are in
any doubt whether any aspect of your appearance or attire is appropriate for your job role you should contact management.