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Fostering a Rescue Pet

Love pets but not ready to commit to one for life? Check out how you can be a foster carer, instead – and help out an animal in need.  

In this blog post, we’ll explore the world of fostering, from its benefits and rewards to practical tips for getting started.  

The Power of Fostering 

For many animals, entering a shelter environment can be overwhelming and stressful. Fostering offers these pets a chance to escape the confines of a kennel and experience the comforts of a home environment. By opening their homes to rescue pets, foster families provide a safe haven where these animals can heal, decompress, and receive individualised attention, socialisation, and behavioural rehabilitation tailored to their specific needs. There are countless success stories of pets who have blossomed in foster care, going on to find their forever homes thanks to the love and dedication of their foster families. 

Fostering rescue animals provides them with a temporary home environment, which can greatly ease their transition to a permanent home. This experience can make them more adaptable and less stressed when they move to their forever homes. However, it’s important to remember that pets in kennels also receive care and love from dedicated shelter staff and volunteers. The goal is always to ensure every animal feels safe and cherished, whether they’re in a foster home or awaiting adoption at the shelter.

Benefits of Fostering for Foster Carers 

Fostering a pet is the opportunity to make a tangible and meaningful difference in the life of a rescue animal. By opening their hearts and homes to a pet in need, foster carers play a direct role in saving lives and helping pets on their journey to find their forever homes. The sense of fulfilment that comes from knowing you’ve made a positive impact on an animal’s life is truly unparalleled. 

Fostering also provides foster carers with the opportunity to experience the joy of companionship and connection with a furry friend. For individuals who may not be ready to commit to permanent pet ownership, fostering allows them to enjoy the benefits of having a pet in their lives without the long-term commitment.  

Fostering also offers foster carers the flexibility in terms of the type of animal they foster and the duration of their commitment. They have the freedom to choose animals that align with their lifestyle, preferences, and availability, allowing them to tailor their fostering experience to suit their needs.  

Who can become a pet foster carer? 

Anyone with a love for animals and a willingness to open their heart and home can become a pet foster carer! Whether you’re a family, a single individual, a retiree, a student or someone who can welcome a second pet into your home. As long as you have the time, space, and love to care for a foster pet, you can make a difference in the life of an animal in need. At Sydney Dogs & Cats Home, we provide the majority of the tools and equipment to foster a rescue animal and provide ongoing support for the duration of your foster pets stay with you. 

We also have options for short-term fostering in the case existing foster carers are going on holidays, away for work or other circumstances where they are unable to look after their foster pet for a short period. This helps prevent foster pets from returning to the shelter environment, potentially undoing any behaviours that were worked on in foster, and keeps space open for pet intakes.

How do I become a foster carer? 

If you are inspired by the idea of fostering rescue animals, consider reaching out to Sydney Dogs & Cats Home, we made the process easy! Complete the sign-up form and our team will be in contact with you. 

Sign up today 

Let’s make a difference together! 🙂

Common Plants Toxic to Pets

When it comes to the health and safety of our furry friends, pet owners go to great lengths to provide a safe and loving environment. However, many common household and garden plants can pose serious threats to pets. Understanding which plants are toxic is crucial to keeping our pets healthy. Here’s a guide to some of the most common toxic plants that could be lurking in your home or yard.

1. Lilies

Toxic to: Cats

Symptoms: Kidney failure, vomiting, lethargy, loss of appetite

Lilies are beautiful and fragrant, but they are highly toxic to cats. Even small amounts of pollen or water from a vase containing lilies can cause severe kidney damage and can be fatal.

2. Sago Palm

Toxic to: Dogs and cats

Symptoms: Vomiting, diarrhea, liver failure, seizures, death

Sago palms are popular ornamental plants, but all parts of the plant, especially the seeds, contain cycasin, a toxin that can cause severe liver damage.

3. Tulips and Hyacinths

Toxic to: Dogs and cats

Symptoms: Drooling, vomiting, diarrhea, central nervous system depression, respiratory issues

The bulbs of tulips and hyacinths contain toxins that can irritate the mouth and esophagus. Ingesting large amounts can lead to more serious problems.

4. Oleander

Toxic to: Dogs and cats

Symptoms: Severe vomiting, decreased heart rate, cardiac arrest, death

Oleander is highly toxic to pets and humans alike. The plant contains cardiac glycosides that can cause serious heart issues.

5. Azaleas and Rhododendrons

Toxic to: Dogs and cats

Symptoms: Vomiting, drooling, diarrhea, weakness, heart failure

Azaleas and rhododendrons contain grayanotoxins, which can disrupt the normal function of the heart and nervous system.

6. Dieffenbachia (Dumb Cane)

Toxic to: Dogs and cats

Symptoms: Oral irritation, drooling, vomiting, difficulty swallowing

Dieffenbachia is a common houseplant that can cause intense oral irritation and swelling of the tongue, mouth, and throat if ingested.

7. Autumn Crocus

Toxic to: Dogs and cats

Symptoms: Severe gastrointestinal distress, liver and kidney damage, respiratory failure, death

Autumn crocus contains colchicine, a substance that is extremely toxic and can cause multiple organ failure.

8. Philodendron

Toxic to: Dogs and cats

Symptoms: Oral irritation, drooling, vomiting, difficulty swallowing

Philodendron plants contain calcium oxalate crystals that can cause significant oral irritation and swelling if ingested.

9. English Ivy

Toxic to: Dogs and cats

Symptoms: Vomiting, abdominal pain, hypersalivation, diarrhea

English ivy is a popular climbing plant that can cause gastrointestinal issues and discomfort if consumed by pets.

10. Aloe Vera

Toxic to: Dogs and cats

Symptoms: Vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, tremors

While aloe vera is known for its healing properties in humans, it contains saponins and anthraquinones that can be harmful to pets if ingested.

What to Do if Your Pet Ingests a Toxic Plant

If you suspect your pet has ingested a toxic plant, it’s important to act quickly:

  1. Remove any plant material from your pet’s mouth.
  2. Rinse their mouth with water to remove any remaining plant material.
  3. Contact your veterinarian immediately.
  4. If possible, identify the plant they ingested.

Safe Alternatives

Fortunately, there are many pet-safe plants you can choose for your home and garden, such as:

  • Spider plants
  • Boston ferns
  • Areca palms
  • Basil
  • Rosemary

As much as we love to decorate our homes and gardens with beautiful plants, it’s important to be aware of those that can be harmful to our pets. By choosing pet-safe plants and keeping toxic ones out of reach, we can ensure that our furry friends remain healthy and happy. Always consult with your veterinarian if you have any concerns about plant toxicity and your pets.

Safe Interactions Between Kids & Rescue Dogs

Bringing a rescue dog into your home can be a rewarding experience, offering a second chance at life for a deserving animal and providing your family with a loyal and loving companion. However, ensuring safe and positive interactions between kids and rescue dogs is crucial in creating a harmonious and happy household. Here are some tips and guidelines to help foster safe interactions and build strong bonds.

Understanding your rescue dog’s background

Rescue dogs can come from challenging backgrounds. Understanding and respecting their past experiences is essential in creating a safe environment for them and your children. Here’s how to get started:

  • Learn about your dog’s history: Before bringing a rescue dog home, gather as much information as possible about their past. This can help you anticipate potential triggers and behaviours.
  • Be patient and observant: Allow your dog time to adjust to their new environment. Watch for signs of anxiety or discomfort and address them promptly.

Actively supervising and physically separating

The most important thing is to always actively supervise when your child and your dog are together. You can make physical separation easier by setting up playpens and baby gates to create barriers. Make sure babies, young children and dogs are closely supervised at all times (within arm’s reach and without distractions) when they’re together, especially during playtime.

Never place children on top of or next to your dog. Keep their face out of the dog’s face, and get into the habit of putting yourself between the dog and baby (like when you’re sitting on the floor or couch).

Teaching kids about safe interactions

Educating your children on how to interact safely and respectfully with the new family member is vital. Here are some key points to cover:

  • Approach calmly and slowly: Teach kids to invite the dog to them instead of approaching the dog. Explain the importance of being calm and avoiding sudden movements or loud noises that might startle the dog.
  • Respect personal space: Explain the importance of giving the dog space, especially when they are eating, sleeping, chewing or resting in their designated area.
  • Recognise body language: Help children understand dog body language. For instance, a wagging tail does not always mean a dog is happy, and a dog showing teeth is a clear sign to back off.

Creating a safe space for the dog

Setting up a special and safe area in a quiet place in the home for your dog to retreat to when they need space. It can be a bed or crate. Teach your kids that it’s a special alone place for your dog to go to and that they’re not allowed in it when your dog is there. You can even stick a line of masking tape about a metre from the area to help kids (and adults!) learn boundaries around the dog. They can call the dog over the line to them, and if the dog comes, great! If not, leave them alone (and never enter the space while the dog is in there).

Learning how your dog communicates

Our dogs are always telling us things and use their body to communicate. Some signs can be subtle, so it’s important to make sure that you and all other adults and kids in the household are familiar with your dog’s body language. This will mean you can spot any early warning signs that your dog is stressed, uncomfortable, scared or frustrated, and you can separate them from your child immediately before it escalates.

The earliest signs that your dog is uncomfortable are signs of avoidant behaviour such as turning their face away, leaning their bodyweight away, and trying to walk away.

Other common early indicators that your dog is uncomfortable and should be separated from your child include:

  • Stiff body
  • Closed mouth
  • Turning their head away
  • ‘Whale eye’
  • Yawning
  • Tongue flicks
  • Tense facial muscles
  • Quick and shallow breathing
  • Shaking off
  • Excessive grooming, like scratching or licking

 Building trust and bonding

Building a strong, trusting relationship between your children and the rescue dog takes time and effort but is incredibly rewarding. Here’s how to encourage bonding:

  • Positive reinforcement: Use positive reinforcement techniques to encourage good behaviour in the dog. Praise, treats, and affection can help build trust and reinforce positive interactions.
  • Shared activities: Engage in activities that both the dog and the kids can enjoy together, such as gentle play, walks, and training sessions. This helps to build a bond and establish positive associations.
  • Respect and compassion: Teach children to be compassionate and empathetic towards the dog’s feelings and needs. This fosters mutual respect and understanding.

Introducing a rescue dog into your family can be a wonderful experience, especially when you ensure that interactions between your kids and your rescue dog are safe and positive. By educating your children, creating a safe environment, and building trust, you can help foster a loving and harmonious relationship that benefits both the dog and your family. Remember, patience and understanding go a long way in helping a rescue dog feel at home and become a cherished member of your family.

If you are concerned about the safety of your child or dog, please contact Ana at as soon as possible.


Willow’s Journey: From Shelter to Forever Home

Willow spent her first week of 2024 lost before coming into Sydney Dogs & Cats Home. At 12 years old, this golden oldie should have been spending her days relaxing in her home, not in a shelter. Willow was safely off the streets and happily spending her days snoozing and going on walks with staff and volunteers and making doggy friends.

While Willow was a happy dog and in good spirits, she had dental disease and needed some teeth extracted to reduce any pain and discomfort and she was diagnosed with osteoarthritis in her hips and hind legs. Willow underwent surgery to remove the affected teeth and was put on medication to help with the osteoarthritis. Willow spent the next few weeks in the shelter recovering and becoming the office dog during the hot summer days, basking in the cool AC.

It wasn’t long before Willow caught the eye of Sarah-Jane and her family who brought Willow home at the end of February. Sarah-Jane sent an update recently and has commented on how wonderful Willow has slotted into her new family’s home and lives, “it’s as if she has been here all along!”

Willow has been quite fond of Sarah-Jane, sleeping next to her bed and under the desk while she is working. Willow has become fond of dinner time, parking herself in the kitchen amongst the action.

Apart from spending time with her humans and dinner time, Willow enjoys her twice daily walks and visiting the pet supply store for new treats and squeaky toys, and always receives a lot of love when out and about.

We’re so happy to see a senior dog like Willow receiving the love she deserves.

If you are looking to add a furry friend to your life, consider an older pet who still has so much love to give.


Published April 2024




Donut the dog says THANK YOU!

We are excited to share that Donut the dog, thanks to supporters like you, has found her forever home! Donut came to us in November 2022 as an 11-month-old who was found lost and scared wandering the streets. She was very skinny, required two major surgeries to fix the pain in her knees and she needed dental surgery to address some severe issues. Despite her health issues, Donut is an incredibly friendly dog and loves being around people, so it surprised us that it took just over a year to find her forever home.

But good things happen to good dogs who wait! Donut’s new mum Phoebe had also been patiently waiting for the perfect moment to adopt a dog, something she had been wanting to do for most of her life. As soon as she and her family moved into a new home, her hunt for the perfect dog begun late last year. Phoebe instantly fell in love with Donut’s gorgeous smile, standing out from all the photos on our website. Phoebe and Donut’s wait was worth it as they have both found their soulmate.

Donut is now living her best life and hasn’t let her multiple surgeries slow her down! She enjoys going on daily walks, going on beach adventures and frolicking in the water throughout the summer, chasing balls at the park and playing with any toy that squeaks. She quickly found her spot on the sofa which remains ‘Donut’s spot’ and learnt that the vacuum cleaner is her number one enemy.

It didn’t take Donut long to settle in at all. She is loving being around her people and playing as much as she can, showcasing her funny, clumsy and bright side.

It is because of your support; sharing our stories, emails and social media posts, and donating that allows us to help Donut and other pets like her.

Want to support more dogs like Donut? You can donate here.

Add Fun to Your Dog’s Day


Are you looking for ideas to make your furry friend’s life better?  

We delve into the transformative realm of dog enrichment activities—an essential ingredient for nurturing happy, healthy, and well-rounded dogs. We lead busy lives and often it’s necessary for us to be away from home for long periods. But just like us, dogs like to be kept entertained and can easily become bored without enough to do leading to unwanted and destructive behaviours. 

Enrichment is more than just a buzzword; it’s a commitment to providing an environment and activities that look after your dog’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being.  In other words, finding ways to enrich your dog’s life! 

 Below are some ideas, but explore limitless possibilities by tapping into your imagination. Try to mix it up too – doing the same activity day after day lowers its value. When presenting a new challenge or food toy to your dog, start easy. Let them see you scatter the food, have the food in a ball that easily comes out etc. Then, slowly increase difficulty.

Enrichment toys 

Interactive toys stimulate a dog’s natural impulses to chew, gnaw, chase, and forage. Not only do puzzle toys give your dog’s brain a workout, but they also allow your dog a positive sense of achievement. 

  • Snuffle Mat: A snuffle mat keeps your dog entertained and slows down their mealtimes. Simply sprinkle their favourite treats or mealtime kibble through the ruffled wing sections and let them find it when they are home alone for a long-lasting, tasty and brain-stimulating exercise! 
  • Kong: A Kong is a hard, rubber, snowman-shaped toy with a small hole on top and a large one on the bottom. It takes just a few minutes to stuff a Kong toy with food or treats and can occupy your dog for several hours, depending on your dog’s personality and interest level. As your dog works to remove food or treats from the Kong toy, they expend excess energy. Not only does this help reduce boredom, but it can also help alleviate anxiety. For a longer experience, freeze the Kong before giving it to your dog. 
  • Lickimat: A lick mat is a flat mat, designed for your dog to lick, over and over. They are usually coated with ridges and brittles that encourage licking. Since they are flat, dogs are not able to grab food with their teeth and must use their tongue instead. The result: it takes much longer to eat all the food and provides a fun and stimulating activity for your dog.


Chew toys 

Chewing naturally increases a dog’s overall well-being. The repetitive action of chewing releases serotonin and dopamine, two important neurotransmitters in the brain that support mental health, and a feel-good vibe. Provide your dog with some long-lasting chews such as: 

  • Bully stick 
  • Goat horn 
  • Deer antler  
  • Kangaroo tails 

DIY enrichment 

Enrichment doesn’t need to be expensive, and you don’t have to spend money to get started. In fact, there are many things you can do using things you’ve already got at home! 

  • Rolled-up towels: Roll some treats into a towel or bathmat and let your dog unroll it to find the treats throughout. You can level up by tucking the end of the towel into a box or plastic container, so it doesn’t unravel as easily. Encourage the dog to interact with the towel to get to the treats. 
  • Frozen treats: Freeze some of your dog’s favourite treats into an ice block! Let them enjoy and uncover the treats within.
  • Scavenger Hunts: Put your dog’s food or dried treats in multiple places around the house or your yard, or simply scatter it amongst the grass and let your dog search! You can start with just one room or a small area of lawn and level up by using your entire yard or house.
  • Toy hide-and-seek: You can even teach them to find toys. Get them excited about a toy, then let them see you go hide it somewhere easy – say “go find” they get it and you play. Then you slowly make it harder. You could even choose two toys for them to play with each day.
  • Recycling pit: Add loose cardboard boxes, empty toilet rolls, egg boxes, scrunched-up towels etc to a large box or shell pool and scatter food throughout. You can level up by adding some food into closed boxes, stuffing scrunched paper and food into tubes so there are multiple small puzzles within the bigger puzzle! 

Get started with dog enrichment and tag us on social media to spread the joy!  

Lexie’s Incredible Journey

Lexie when she first arrived at Sydney Dogs & Cats HomeAlexis (better known as Lexie) is probably a familiar face. It’s hard to forget the sad, forlorn face of Lexie the Border Collie, who captured hearts as the face of our Best Friends Campaign in May and June last year. From the moment Lexie came into the care of Sydney Dogs & Cats Home, her journey from a painful and extremely sad dog to a friendly and beloved family pet has been awe-inspiring.  

 Lexie arrived at Sydney Dogs & Cats Home in February 2023 with some of the worst skin disease the Head Vet had ever seen. She was covered in fleas, her skin was infected, thickened and red. She was so itchy that she had lost most of her fur. Additionally, Lexie was undernourished, desperately requiring TLC. Our vet team quickly devised a comprehensive plan to tackle her skin disease. Through medications, supplements, and a tailored diet, they began her recovery. Placed under the watchful care of Sydney Dogs & Cats Home Foster Carer Annie, Lexie embarked on a journey of physical and emotional healing. 

 Annie’s dedication to earning Lexie’s trust and providing a safe haven was nothing short of heroic. From patiently sitting by her crate to creating enticing, dog-friendly meals to entice Lexie to eat and take her medication, Annie proved to be the steadfast support Lexie needed. As days turned into weeks, Lexie’s progress became evident, and her true personality emerged, marked by both friendliness and a touch of sass. 

 Without Annie’s persistence and unwillingness to give up on Lexie and with the help of the team at Sydney Dogs & Cats Home, Lexie wouldn’t be in the position to have met Jeff and Jane.  

 Jeff and Jane had recently lost their rescue Border Collie x Jack Russell who they had for 15 years and felt like they had so much more love to offer a rescue dog, so they began searching for their perfect match. They saw photos of Lexie when she first arrived at the Home, sad, frightened and in such poor physical condition and then saw newer photos of her in foster care with Annie, where she was much happier, rediscovering the joy of being loved and taken care of. Jeff and Jane were determined to give Lexie the chance to receive the love and care she deserved.  

 Lexie after her rehabilitationAfter engaging in meaningful discussions with the Home’s team regarding Lexie’s needs and being aware of their capacity to provide her with love, time, patience, and resources, Jeff and Jane, who had a wealth of Border Collie experience having cared for three in the past, submitted their application. Before long, they had the privilege of meeting Lexie face-to-face for the very first time. 

 For Jeff and Jane, it was instant love. While Lexie was initially timid and anxious, her loving and sweet nature quickly shone through, and it wasn’t long before she approached for pats and a quick cuddle. Jeff and Jane say they were quietly ecstatic by this and were excited to go for a walk with her around the block. They also had the chance to meet Annie at the meet and greet, who answered all their questions and queries and gave them invaluable advice and tips that she believed Lexie would benefit from. It was clear to Jeff and Jane just how much care Annie and the team at the Home gave  Lexie and they would not want anything less than total commitment and love from potential adopters.  

 Annie has been an integral part of Lexie’s transition to her new home with Jeff and Jane, from being Lexie’s personal chauffer from Sydney to her new home in Bowral, visiting Lexie when she can, providing Lexie with care packages including treats and toys and instructions that Annie herself found useful when caring for Lexie. In the process, Annie has not only become a trusted friend to Lexie but has also forged a friendship with Jeff and Jane. 

 Lexie has settled into her new home beautifully. Jeff and Jane were able to gradually build Lexie’s trust and she is now their little shadow, participating in all the family activities. Jeff says, “We found that by taking things slowly and quietly, giving Lexie her own space and time letting her decide when and how to react to situations, was the key to success.” 

 Now Lexie spends her time playing with her dog and human friends at the dog park and often playing ‘referee’ to the squabbles when some of the dogs are playing a little too rough. She has enjoyed rides in the car, walks along the beach, lounging in front of the fire on cooler winter nights, helping to unpack groceries and loves having her tummy rubbed and her ears stroked.  

 Jeff and Jane have spoken highly of the exceptional dedication shown by Sydney Dogs & Cats Home and Annie. They praise the time taken in ensuring not only Lexie was loved and cared for while she began her healing journey and her quest to find a new home, but also ensuring Lexie’s wellbeing remained the central focus during the adoption process. Jeff says, “The level of support for adopters is comprehensive and outstanding, nothing is too much trouble.”  

Lexie has made incredible progress while in her new home and it’s clear Jeff and Jane are devoted to ensuring Lexie feels safe, cared for, and loved and continue to help build her confidence. They are even looking forward to enrolling her into scent work classes which they hope will be a rewarding adventure for the entire family.  

 It can often take a whole village of people to ensure dogs like Lexie recover and heal and gain their happiness and joy back. Jeff and Jane acknowledge that without an amazing foster carer like Annie, they are certain Lexie wouldn’t be the dog she is today.  

 They say to anyone thinking of welcoming a rescue dog into their heart and home; “The chance to answer that call is a blessing and one that will almost certainly reward adopters with so much love and joy. It’s an enriching experience to witness Lexie’s zest for life and beautiful personality re-establish.” 

Published 1st September 2023

From the Racetrack to Your Heart

Do you have a spot in your heart and home for a Greyhound who’s ready to leave his racing days behind? Meet Jerry Rascal, a charming and eager dog with a heart full of love and a zest for life. Despite never quite finding his stride on the racetrack, Jerry Rascal is determined to show the world just how much he has to offer in a loving forever home.

Jerry Rascal might not have been the fastest on the racetrack, but he’s racing into his next chapter with boundless enthusiasm. This Greyhound is ready to prove that his potential goes far beyond the racecourse. With his friendly nature and a heart full of affection, he’s prepared to win over the hearts of his future family members.

Having spent his early years on the racetrack, Jerry Rascal is embracing his new social life with open paws. He’s a social butterfly who adores meeting new people. His tail wags in joyful anticipation whenever someone approaches, and he’s always ready to shower them with love and warmth. Jerry Rascal’s eagerness to connect with people is truly heartwarming and a testament to his spirit.

Jerry Rascal’s love for food is matched only by his desire to please. He’s motivated by treats, making him an ideal candidate for training and building a strong bond. While he might need some guidance in mastering the art of taking treats gently, his food motivation can be a valuable asset as he learns what life is like off the track, out of the shelter and into a home!

Jerry Rascal’s ideal home is one where he can be the centre of attention. He’d thrive in an environment without small animals or small dogs, but he might be open to having another large dog friend pending a successful meet and greet. It’s important to note that Jerry Rascal has a lively personality and a talent for jumping quite high. To ensure his safety and containment, a home with secure fencing or boundaries is essential.

Transitioning from the racetrack to a home environment might require a bit of patience and understanding, but the rewards are immeasurable. With time, guidance, and your unwavering support, Jerry Rascal will blossom into a loyal and cherished member of your family. By giving him the chance to experience his first-ever home, you’ll not only transform his life but also discover the remarkable joy of watching a Greyhound discover the comforts of a loving forever family.

To learn more about Jerry Rascal’s journey and how you can provide him with the loving home he deserves, click here to view his profile and send an application today. Embark on this beautiful journey of companionship and watch as Jerry Rascal’s spirit shines brighter than ever before.

Posted 8th August 2023

A Haven for Lost and Abandoned Pets

Since its establishment in 1946, Sydney Dogs & Cats Home has been a beacon of hope for Sydney’s lost, abandoned, and neglected pets. Our mission is simple: to provide shelter, nourishment, veterinary care, and an abundance of love to animals in need, with a primary focus on dogs and cats. Whether we reunite them with their owners or help them find new loving homes, our ultimate goal is to bring pets and people together. 

 As Sydney’s sole charity pound and community facility, we open our doors to thousands of pets each year, extending our services across multiple council areas and servicing over a million Sydneysiders. We proudly support the Getting to Zero movement, which means that we don’t place a time limit on any healthy and treatable animal that enters our care. 

 Every day, we see animals with varying levels of need. Some simply require a warm bed and nourishing food to regain their strength and grow, while others need extensive medical intervention. One such case was Alexis, an 8-year-old Border Collie who arrived at our facility in an appalling state. Infested with fleas, plagued by infected and inflamed skin, and suffering from severe itching that resulted in substantial fur loss, Alexis was also severely underweight and extremely fearful. In a heart-wrenching discovery, council rangers found her tied up in a backyard helpless and desperate for treatment, care and love. We can only imagine how long she had suffered in this state. 

As soon as Alexis entered our care, our dedicated team of veterinarians promptly assessed Alexis’s condition and gave her appropriate medication to address her skin issues. Additionally, we provided her with supplements and nutritious food to help her reach a healthy weight for her breed. But soon it became apparent that what Alexis needed most was love and care. That’s when Annie, one of our exceptional foster carers, stepped in and offered Alexis a safe haven. 

 Annie dedicated the first four days to helping Alexis feel secure and loved. Despite initial challenges, such as Alexis’s refusal to eat or take her medication due to fear, Annie tirelessly experimented with a variety of dog-safe foods, from chicken to lamb chops, and ultimately found success with soup. She spent countless hours outside Alexis’s crate, showing her that she was safe and loved. Gradually, Alexis began to trust and feel more confident, eventually emerging from her safe space and blossoming into an entirely transformed dog. 

 Nowadays, Alexis loves her daily walks, eagerly stretching her legs and exploring the neighbourhood and all it has to offer. With a new zest for life, she zigzags around, joyfully sniffing every new scent she encounters, and spends the rest of her days peacefully dozing. Alexis has undergone an incredible change, evolving from a timid and frightened dog into a playful, sassy, and affectionate companion. 

 Our passion for our work is unwavering, but we cannot achieve our goals alone. Providing care for pets in need requires substantial resources, including daily essentials like food, bedding, treats, and toys, as well as funding for vital medications, surgeries, and training. In addition, we are also battling with the challenges of the rising cost of living prices and keeping two temporary facilities operating while we wait for the promised funding from the NSW Government.  Paying for essentials such as utilities and rent has added pressure to already sensitive circumstances.  

Your support can make a tremendous difference in the lives of our animals and wider organisation to continue to allow us to do the important work we do. We invite you to consider making a tax-deductible donation by clicking here. Every contribution, big or small, helps us continue our mission of providing second chances and bright futures for pets like Alexis. 

 Together, let’s make a positive impact on the lives of Sydney’s cherished companions. Join us in creating a world where every pet is given the love, care, and forever home they deserve. 


Published 2nd June 2023

Bright Future for Bailey

Beautiful Bailey is the sweetest and happiest boy and it’s hard to believe he found himself in a shelter. While Bailey has such a large smile and happy personality, the first thing that stood out about Bailey when he walked through the doors of the Home was that you could barely see his eyes. Bailey was suffering from double entropion. This occurs when the eyelid rolls inwards, and the eyelashes irritate the eyes. Imagine having sand in your eyes all the time, this is the feeling that poor Bailey had been experiencing. His level of pain and uncomfortableness that was so bad, he chose not to open his eye.

Bailey underwent a delicate and life-changing surgery to correct the entropion and make him a lot more comfortable and pain-free. He has recovered well and is enjoying seeing much more clearly and without pain and has shown more of his happy personality. Bailey had spent his time in the Home being a customer care mascot, keeping our customer care team company in reception and greeting any visitors to the Home and has enjoyed some time in foster care.

He recently had his final checkup with our vet team who are happy with how well his eyes have healed!

It is no surprise that Bailey has found his forever home so quickly after recovering from surgery! With such a kind nature and happy personality, Bailey recently went to a forever home where he will get to play and be spoilt by 4 human siblings!

Congratulations Bailey! Here’s to looking to your bright and clear future!

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