
9:30AM - 12:00PM & 1:00PM - 3:30PM

02 9587 9611


Read heartwarming tales about wagging tails and warmed hearts.

Partner Perspectives: Benny Button

Sydney Dogs & Cats Home partner Benny Button kicks off our Partner Perspective Series with an article on mindfulness to help your staff start their year right:

Being Mindful when ‘Busyness’ is back!

Most of us are coming out of what has hopefully been a restful and replenishing holiday season. But now it’s back to work and the resumption of the ‘norm’ where our modern lives and workplaces are busier than ever.

Before we know it demanding workloads and numerous responsibilities will be filling our calendars and to-do lists to the brink of bursting. The constant flow of information, email, and media competing for our attention at all hours of the day resumes. It’s not hard to see that we can become so busy being busy that we lose sight of what is most important to us, or even lose our sense of self and connection with others.

Our brains do their best to cope with these demands by setting habits of thinking, feeling, deciding and behaving that aim to help us handle our workloads and the high expectations we place on ourselves. It’s like having ‘default settings’ in our brains that guide us to navigate our daily experiences as if we are on autopilot mode.

We can all benefit from making time to slow down and tune into what’s important. We can reawaken our awareness and focus our attention on what matters – taking action mindfully. What’s more, we can practise doing this – even train this capability – because ‘busyness’ has become the default setting and our brains are switching into autopilot mode in an attempt to cope with the demand. This process is mindfulness, and it is something research shows us is incredibly valuable.

While the above context is serious stuff, we can have some fun learning ways to practice mindful awareness and building our attention skills. We can enjoy the process of firing, wiring, and rewiring our brain’s default settings and switching off our autopilot – all while experiencing novel and interesting experiences.

Here are five practical ways to practice mindfulness, each with clear action steps:

1. Mindful Breathing Breaks:

Action: Schedule short breaks (1 to 5 minutes) throughout your workday. During these breaks, focus solely on your breathing. Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and take deep, slow breaths. Concentrate on the sensation of air entering and leaving your nostrils, and the rise and fall of your chest. If your mind wanders, gently bring your focus back to your breath. If you would like an example of a practice watch this instructional video from Dr. Adrian Medhurst. Take a mindful breather

2. Mindful Eating:

Action: Choose one meal or snack each day to eat mindfully. Turn off all distractions like TV or smartphones. Pay attention to the colors, textures, smells, and flavors of your food. Chew slowly, savoring each bite and noticing the sensations and tastes. If you’re up for it take some time to reflect on the journey of the food – from where it was grown to how it was prepared.

3. Mindful Walking:

Action: Dedicate 10-15 minutes a day to go for a mindful walk. This can be done during a break at work or in your neighborhood. Walk slowly and deliberately, noticing each step and the sensations in your feet and legs. Observe your surroundings – the sights, sounds, and smells. Use this time to connect with the environment, allowing your mind to focus on the present moment. Did you know ‘Awe Walking is a thing? Curious? Take a look at this article.

4. Gratitude Journaling:

Action: Each evening, spend a few minutes writing down three things you are grateful for that day. These can be simple things like a sunny day, a productive meeting, or a kind gesture from a colleague. This practice helps to shift focus from the day’s stresses and cultivate a mindset of appreciation and positivity.

5. Mindful Listening:

Action: During conversations, practice fully focusing on the person talking. Put away any distractions, maintain eye contact, and listen without planning your response. Notice the person’s expressions and tone. Be present in the conversation, acknowledging the other person’s feelings and perspectives. This not only enhances your mindfulness but also strengthens your relationships.

Incorporating these practices into your daily routine can help in managing stress, enhancing focus, and maintaining a connection with the present moment as ‘busyness’ kicks back into gear.

Troy Mansell

Co-Founder & Director

Benny Button

Want to learn more? Talk to Troy at 

**Benny Button partners with Sydney Dogs & Cats Home to assist staff with wellbeing as well as donating to help lost and unwanted pets.

Caring for Senior Pets

Senior pets, especially senior rescue pets, can be some of the most loving and loyal companions you’ll ever have. While they may have a few more grey hairs and a bit of wear and tear, these golden oldies can bring immense joy into your life. Caring for senior pets requires some special attention and understanding to ensure their golden years are comfortable and happy. Here are our top tips for taking care of senior rescue pets.

  1. Vet Visits Are Essential
    Regular veterinary check-ups become even more critical as pets age. Make sure your senior rescue pet has a comprehensive examination at least once a year. These check-ups can help detect and address age-related health issues such as arthritis, dental problems, and organ function decline. If you’re in the Sydney area, you might be pleased to know that the Sydney Dogs & Cats Home now offers vet services to the public, providing expert care for your senior pet. Discuss with one of our friendly vets or with your vet about any specific concerns related to your senior pet’s breed or history. It’s a wonderful way to ensure your beloved companion’s golden years are filled with health and happiness.

  2. Proper Nutrition
    Senior pets often require specialised diets to support their changing nutritional needs. Your vet can recommend senior pet food with lower calories to prevent obesity and supplements that might aid in joint health. Feeding them a balanced and age-appropriate diet can help manage common senior issues such as weight gain and dental problems.

  3. Maintain a Healthy Weight
    Senior pets are more prone to obesity, which can exacerbate age-related health problems. Be mindful of portion control and monitor your pet’s weight regularly. Exercise them appropriately to keep their muscles and joints in good shape. Consult your vet for advice on the best exercise regimen for your senior rescue pet.

  4. Provide Comfort and Mobility
    Older pets can struggle with arthritis and joint pain. Make their lives more comfortable by providing soft bedding and keeping their living environment warm. You might also consider installing ramps or steps to help them reach their favourite spots without straining their joints.

  5. Dental Care
    Dental health is a common issue in senior pets. Periodontal disease can lead to pain and even systemic health problems. Brushing your pet’s teeth and providing dental chews can help maintain their oral hygiene. Regular dental check-ups are also crucial to address any dental issues promptly.

  6. Mental Stimulation
    Senior pets, just like their human counterparts, can benefit from mental stimulation. Engage them with interactive toys, puzzles, and gentle play. This not only keeps their minds active but also strengthens the bond between you and your pet.

  7. Grooming and Hygiene
    Maintain a regular grooming routine to keep your senior pet’s coat clean and tangle-free. Older animals may struggle to groom themselves effectively, and mats or tangles can be uncomfortable. Additionally, check for lumps, bumps, or unusual skin conditions during grooming sessions to detect potential health issues.

  8. Medication and Supplements
    Some senior pets may require medication or supplements to manage chronic health conditions. Administer these as directed by your veterinarian and keep a close eye on any side effects or changes in their condition.
  9. Patience and Understanding
    Senior rescue pets may have experienced trauma or neglect in their past. Be patient and understanding of their behaviour. They may require time to adapt to their new home and build trust. Show them love, kindness, and consistency in your interactions.

  10. Addressing Increased Anxiety
    As pets age, they may experience increased anxiety, which can be attributed to various factors such as changes in their routine, cognitive decline, or past traumas. It’s essential to recognise that anxiety is normal for some senior pets and to address it proactively. If you notice signs of anxiety, like restlessness, excessive panting, or withdrawal, consult your veterinarian. They can recommend strategies to help alleviate your pet’s stress, which may include behavioural training, environmental modifications, or, in some cases, medication. Remember, understanding and addressing your senior rescue pet’s anxiety can significantly improve their overall well-being and quality of life. 

  11. Regular Love and Attention
    Last but certainly not least, shower your senior rescue pet with love and attention. Spend quality time together, offer affection, and cherish the moments you have with your furry friend. Senior pets have a lot of love left to give, and the bond you build with them in their golden years can be incredibly rewarding.  

Caring for senior rescue pets is a rewarding and compassionate choice. These older animals often have so much love to give, and by following these top tips, you can ensure they enjoy their senior years to the fullest. Remember, adopting a senior pet not only changes their life but can also enrich yours in ways you never imagined.

Love senior pets but don’t have one yourself? You can support the senior pets who come into the care of Sydney Dogs & Cats Home by donating to the Senior Pet Project. Click here to make a donation today.

Lexie’s Incredible Journey

Lexie when she first arrived at Sydney Dogs & Cats HomeAlexis (better known as Lexie) is probably a familiar face. It’s hard to forget the sad, forlorn face of Lexie the Border Collie, who captured hearts as the face of our Best Friends Campaign in May and June last year. From the moment Lexie came into the care of Sydney Dogs & Cats Home, her journey from a painful and extremely sad dog to a friendly and beloved family pet has been awe-inspiring.  

 Lexie arrived at Sydney Dogs & Cats Home in February 2023 with some of the worst skin disease the Head Vet had ever seen. She was covered in fleas, her skin was infected, thickened and red. She was so itchy that she had lost most of her fur. Additionally, Lexie was undernourished, desperately requiring TLC. Our vet team quickly devised a comprehensive plan to tackle her skin disease. Through medications, supplements, and a tailored diet, they began her recovery. Placed under the watchful care of Sydney Dogs & Cats Home Foster Carer Annie, Lexie embarked on a journey of physical and emotional healing. 

 Annie’s dedication to earning Lexie’s trust and providing a safe haven was nothing short of heroic. From patiently sitting by her crate to creating enticing, dog-friendly meals to entice Lexie to eat and take her medication, Annie proved to be the steadfast support Lexie needed. As days turned into weeks, Lexie’s progress became evident, and her true personality emerged, marked by both friendliness and a touch of sass. 

 Without Annie’s persistence and unwillingness to give up on Lexie and with the help of the team at Sydney Dogs & Cats Home, Lexie wouldn’t be in the position to have met Jeff and Jane.  

 Jeff and Jane had recently lost their rescue Border Collie x Jack Russell who they had for 15 years and felt like they had so much more love to offer a rescue dog, so they began searching for their perfect match. They saw photos of Lexie when she first arrived at the Home, sad, frightened and in such poor physical condition and then saw newer photos of her in foster care with Annie, where she was much happier, rediscovering the joy of being loved and taken care of. Jeff and Jane were determined to give Lexie the chance to receive the love and care she deserved.  

 Lexie after her rehabilitationAfter engaging in meaningful discussions with the Home’s team regarding Lexie’s needs and being aware of their capacity to provide her with love, time, patience, and resources, Jeff and Jane, who had a wealth of Border Collie experience having cared for three in the past, submitted their application. Before long, they had the privilege of meeting Lexie face-to-face for the very first time. 

 For Jeff and Jane, it was instant love. While Lexie was initially timid and anxious, her loving and sweet nature quickly shone through, and it wasn’t long before she approached for pats and a quick cuddle. Jeff and Jane say they were quietly ecstatic by this and were excited to go for a walk with her around the block. They also had the chance to meet Annie at the meet and greet, who answered all their questions and queries and gave them invaluable advice and tips that she believed Lexie would benefit from. It was clear to Jeff and Jane just how much care Annie and the team at the Home gave  Lexie and they would not want anything less than total commitment and love from potential adopters.  

 Annie has been an integral part of Lexie’s transition to her new home with Jeff and Jane, from being Lexie’s personal chauffer from Sydney to her new home in Bowral, visiting Lexie when she can, providing Lexie with care packages including treats and toys and instructions that Annie herself found useful when caring for Lexie. In the process, Annie has not only become a trusted friend to Lexie but has also forged a friendship with Jeff and Jane. 

 Lexie has settled into her new home beautifully. Jeff and Jane were able to gradually build Lexie’s trust and she is now their little shadow, participating in all the family activities. Jeff says, “We found that by taking things slowly and quietly, giving Lexie her own space and time letting her decide when and how to react to situations, was the key to success.” 

 Now Lexie spends her time playing with her dog and human friends at the dog park and often playing ‘referee’ to the squabbles when some of the dogs are playing a little too rough. She has enjoyed rides in the car, walks along the beach, lounging in front of the fire on cooler winter nights, helping to unpack groceries and loves having her tummy rubbed and her ears stroked.  

 Jeff and Jane have spoken highly of the exceptional dedication shown by Sydney Dogs & Cats Home and Annie. They praise the time taken in ensuring not only Lexie was loved and cared for while she began her healing journey and her quest to find a new home, but also ensuring Lexie’s wellbeing remained the central focus during the adoption process. Jeff says, “The level of support for adopters is comprehensive and outstanding, nothing is too much trouble.”  

Lexie has made incredible progress while in her new home and it’s clear Jeff and Jane are devoted to ensuring Lexie feels safe, cared for, and loved and continue to help build her confidence. They are even looking forward to enrolling her into scent work classes which they hope will be a rewarding adventure for the entire family.  

 It can often take a whole village of people to ensure dogs like Lexie recover and heal and gain their happiness and joy back. Jeff and Jane acknowledge that without an amazing foster carer like Annie, they are certain Lexie wouldn’t be the dog she is today.  

 They say to anyone thinking of welcoming a rescue dog into their heart and home; “The chance to answer that call is a blessing and one that will almost certainly reward adopters with so much love and joy. It’s an enriching experience to witness Lexie’s zest for life and beautiful personality re-establish.” 

Published 1st September 2023

From the Racetrack to Your Heart

Do you have a spot in your heart and home for a Greyhound who’s ready to leave his racing days behind? Meet Jerry Rascal, a charming and eager dog with a heart full of love and a zest for life. Despite never quite finding his stride on the racetrack, Jerry Rascal is determined to show the world just how much he has to offer in a loving forever home.

Jerry Rascal might not have been the fastest on the racetrack, but he’s racing into his next chapter with boundless enthusiasm. This Greyhound is ready to prove that his potential goes far beyond the racecourse. With his friendly nature and a heart full of affection, he’s prepared to win over the hearts of his future family members.

Having spent his early years on the racetrack, Jerry Rascal is embracing his new social life with open paws. He’s a social butterfly who adores meeting new people. His tail wags in joyful anticipation whenever someone approaches, and he’s always ready to shower them with love and warmth. Jerry Rascal’s eagerness to connect with people is truly heartwarming and a testament to his spirit.

Jerry Rascal’s love for food is matched only by his desire to please. He’s motivated by treats, making him an ideal candidate for training and building a strong bond. While he might need some guidance in mastering the art of taking treats gently, his food motivation can be a valuable asset as he learns what life is like off the track, out of the shelter and into a home!

Jerry Rascal’s ideal home is one where he can be the centre of attention. He’d thrive in an environment without small animals or small dogs, but he might be open to having another large dog friend pending a successful meet and greet. It’s important to note that Jerry Rascal has a lively personality and a talent for jumping quite high. To ensure his safety and containment, a home with secure fencing or boundaries is essential.

Transitioning from the racetrack to a home environment might require a bit of patience and understanding, but the rewards are immeasurable. With time, guidance, and your unwavering support, Jerry Rascal will blossom into a loyal and cherished member of your family. By giving him the chance to experience his first-ever home, you’ll not only transform his life but also discover the remarkable joy of watching a Greyhound discover the comforts of a loving forever family.

To learn more about Jerry Rascal’s journey and how you can provide him with the loving home he deserves, click here to view his profile and send an application today. Embark on this beautiful journey of companionship and watch as Jerry Rascal’s spirit shines brighter than ever before.

Posted 8th August 2023

Adventures of Jigglypuff: From Pokémon Battles to a Triumph of Resilience!

Meet our incredible feline friend, Jigglypuff, whose journey has been nothing short of extraordinary! This adorable kitty, not from the Pokémon world, has faced hardships but has emerged as a shining example of resilience.

Upon arriving at Sydney Dogs & Cats Home, we discovered that Jigglypuff had a previously broken leg that had healed improperly, causing discomfort. Our amazing vet team made the tough decision to amputate his leg and the tip of his tail, suggesting he might have had a fierce Pokémon battle before finding his way to us!

During his recovery, Jigglypuff found comfort in a foster home, embracing life as a tripod kitty with determination and courage. This little fighter made an incredible recovery and now showcases his vibrant personality for all to see.

Don’t let his missing leg fool you—Jigglypuff is an unstoppable force of joy! He loves chasing toys and playing with fellow feline friends. We are pleased to share that Jigglypuff found his forever home last month, and he is being showered with patience, understanding, and unconditional love. Jigglypuff’s new family appreciates his unique spirit and provides him with a safe indoor haven, so no more Pokémon battles ensue!

Jigglypuff’s transformation wouldn’t be possible without the unwavering support of our incredible community. Your generosity enables us to provide vital treatment and care to precious creatures like Jigglypuff. Together, we can make a difference!

Published: 4 August 2023

Adoption Success Story: Herbie

Herbie the cat (formerly known as Kawaii), is a feline with a striking panther-like appearance that immediately catches your attention. However, his sweet and affectionate nature is what truly captures your heart. Herbie found himself at Sydney Dogs & Cats Home in November of last year. He required an extended stay to receive treatment for dental disease and address his hyperthyroidism. Once he made a recovery from surgery and his hyperthyroidism was improving, Herbie embarked on his journey to find his forever home.

At the age of 10, the shelter environment was far from ideal for this cat who longed for sunny spots, playful toys, and the warm companionship of a human family. Fortunately, Herbie’s wait for a loving family didn’t last long. In late March, Ella and her family stepped forward and welcomed him into their lives with open arms. The adoption was a perfect fit, especially since they already had another 10-year-old black cat named Gary.

From the moment Herbie joined the family, he and Ella formed a strong bond. Herbie seems to be Ella’s constant companion, following her wherever she goes in the house. Even while Ella works from home, he finds comfort in his cat bed beneath her desk, complete with a cosy heat pack during the winter months.

Living a life of luxury like any cat deserves, Herbie even spends every night sleeping in the human bed with his cat sibling Gary. Apart from looking like a panther, Herbie also has some human tendencies and tucks himself into bed under the blankets and rests his little head on the pillow.

Ella happily reports that Herbie’s presence has had a positive impact on Gary, making him a happier cat. With his funny, cuddly, and chatty personality, Herbie has become an adored member of the family. Ella and her family can’t help but adore him and express how much they love him.

With his panther-like allure and endearing nature, Herbie has found his place in a loving home, making it clear that he was meant to be there all along.

A Haven for Lost and Abandoned Pets

Since its establishment in 1946, Sydney Dogs & Cats Home has been a beacon of hope for Sydney’s lost, abandoned, and neglected pets. Our mission is simple: to provide shelter, nourishment, veterinary care, and an abundance of love to animals in need, with a primary focus on dogs and cats. Whether we reunite them with their owners or help them find new loving homes, our ultimate goal is to bring pets and people together. 

 As Sydney’s sole charity pound and community facility, we open our doors to thousands of pets each year, extending our services across multiple council areas and servicing over a million Sydneysiders. We proudly support the Getting to Zero movement, which means that we don’t place a time limit on any healthy and treatable animal that enters our care. 

 Every day, we see animals with varying levels of need. Some simply require a warm bed and nourishing food to regain their strength and grow, while others need extensive medical intervention. One such case was Alexis, an 8-year-old Border Collie who arrived at our facility in an appalling state. Infested with fleas, plagued by infected and inflamed skin, and suffering from severe itching that resulted in substantial fur loss, Alexis was also severely underweight and extremely fearful. In a heart-wrenching discovery, council rangers found her tied up in a backyard helpless and desperate for treatment, care and love. We can only imagine how long she had suffered in this state. 

As soon as Alexis entered our care, our dedicated team of veterinarians promptly assessed Alexis’s condition and gave her appropriate medication to address her skin issues. Additionally, we provided her with supplements and nutritious food to help her reach a healthy weight for her breed. But soon it became apparent that what Alexis needed most was love and care. That’s when Annie, one of our exceptional foster carers, stepped in and offered Alexis a safe haven. 

 Annie dedicated the first four days to helping Alexis feel secure and loved. Despite initial challenges, such as Alexis’s refusal to eat or take her medication due to fear, Annie tirelessly experimented with a variety of dog-safe foods, from chicken to lamb chops, and ultimately found success with soup. She spent countless hours outside Alexis’s crate, showing her that she was safe and loved. Gradually, Alexis began to trust and feel more confident, eventually emerging from her safe space and blossoming into an entirely transformed dog. 

 Nowadays, Alexis loves her daily walks, eagerly stretching her legs and exploring the neighbourhood and all it has to offer. With a new zest for life, she zigzags around, joyfully sniffing every new scent she encounters, and spends the rest of her days peacefully dozing. Alexis has undergone an incredible change, evolving from a timid and frightened dog into a playful, sassy, and affectionate companion. 

 Our passion for our work is unwavering, but we cannot achieve our goals alone. Providing care for pets in need requires substantial resources, including daily essentials like food, bedding, treats, and toys, as well as funding for vital medications, surgeries, and training. In addition, we are also battling with the challenges of the rising cost of living prices and keeping two temporary facilities operating while we wait for the promised funding from the NSW Government.  Paying for essentials such as utilities and rent has added pressure to already sensitive circumstances.  

Your support can make a tremendous difference in the lives of our animals and wider organisation to continue to allow us to do the important work we do. We invite you to consider making a tax-deductible donation by clicking here. Every contribution, big or small, helps us continue our mission of providing second chances and bright futures for pets like Alexis. 

 Together, let’s make a positive impact on the lives of Sydney’s cherished companions. Join us in creating a world where every pet is given the love, care, and forever home they deserve. 


Published 2nd June 2023

WHS Incident Report

How Does Foster Care Work?

Anyone can foster as long as you are 18 years old or over, live in metropolitan Sydney and have access to your own transport.

You can foster cats, dogs, rabbits or guinea pigs! We provide everything you need and you provide the love.

Simply complete this short form and then we’ll give you a call to discuss.



If you are ready to make a difference in a rescue animal’s life, then don’t delay!


Volunteering with animals is an exciting and rewarding experience and we know you are eager to get started! You may have a lot of questions about what is involved by becoming a volunteer at Sydney Dogs & Cats Home. We have answered your frequently asked questions and compiled some things to consider before becoming a volunteer. If you have further questions, please feel free to email the Volunteer Coordinator at


Our volunteers play a huge part in looking after the animals in our care and demonstrate commitment, empathy, and drive. Volunteering is both fun and rewarding!
As a kennel hand/cattery volunteer, almost all tasks are shared across staff and volunteers, except for ‘staff only’ tasks. From cleaning to dog walking and kitty cuddles, we share it all!


  • Kennel hand/cattery assistant
  • Reception and administration duties
  • Community events and programs
  • Foster caring (if you are interested in becoming a foster carer, please also fill out the foster carer form)
  • Animal transport
  • Adhoc projects (such as IT, handy-work etc)


Sydney Dogs & Cats Home is Sydney’s only charity impounding facility, as well as being an animal rehoming shelter. You may encounter some potentially confronting animal welfare situations at our shelter. Please consider the emotional aspect of working in an environment such as this, before committing to a volunteer position.


We regularly offer student placements at our kennels in Austral. This is suitable for anyone completing TAFE Animal Studies certificates or anyone doing university courses in animal care/veterinary sciences. Placements may be negotiated as 5–10-day blocks or extended ongoing weekly or fortnightly shifts.

Once you have completed an Expression of Interest, please contact the Volunteer Coordinator if you require any further information about a possible placement opportunity.


We ask all volunteers to commit to the shifts/events or tasks they have agreed to, communicating any changes or cancellations in advance

Our kennel/cattery volunteers are asked to commit to at least one shift per fortnight for a period of 4 months. This ensures that volunteers gain the necessary skills to become trusted members of our team and are able to provide the best care for our residents. More shifts are possible, depending on availability as well as the capability of an individual to perform tasks in a fast-paced environment.

We have a regular weekly roster for Volunteer Animal Care and Reception assistants. The kennel shifts are 8.30am to 12.30pm and 12.30pm to 4.30pm, while the cattery shifts are 8.30am-12noon. Reception shifts are 10am-3pm. One-off events and ad hoc projects are arranged as they happen.


Sydney Dogs & Cats Home regards the security of personal information as a priority and will endeavour to protect it at all times. You may request access to your personal information held by Sydney Dogs & Cats Home at any time by contacting the Home on (02) 9587 9611. We will add your name and contact details to our database, and we communicate with volunteers via email and a closed volunteer Facebook page/Whatsapp group.


  1. Complete an Expression of Interest Form.
  2. Your form will be matched against our shelter’s needs relevant to availability and commitment. Not everyone will match our needs – we thank you in advance for your patience, as our volunteer coordinator works through the logistics.
  3. Within 1-4 weeks of your application, if your form is matched, you’ll be asked if you’re still available and invited to attend a 4-hour induction (a trial shift). This shift includes an information session with details on our history and future plans, who we are and what we do.
  4. During your induction, we work through several of the most common tasks to give you a good feel for a volunteer shift. This may include cleaning, animal enrichment time, covering relevant policies and procedures, general house rules and WHS (Work, Health & Safety) requirements.
  5. If successful, including that you enjoy your trial shift, we sign you up as a volunteer or student placement. We ask you to confirm your availability for future shifts and contribute $30 to cover the cost of a volunteer t-shirt.
  6. Before commencing your first shift, you will need to read our Volunteer Manual, sign all relevant pages, sign a Volunteer Agreement and provide (to sight) a photo ID.


We are deeply grateful for the support of our Volunteers and applicants. Please be aware it may take us up to 4 weeks to respond to your volunteer application for the first round. After that time, we may reach out to you again within 4-12 weeks to see if you’re still interested and available.

We appreciate your patience and encourage you to get in touch with other local animal rescue groups to enquire about volunteer opportunities.

Ready to become a volunteer?

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