Senior Pet Project: Jasper

***Update:  Jasper has found his forever home!***

Lost, wandering the streets, a painful, infected tumour dangling from his chest, this was Jasper's condition when he arrived at Sydney Dogs and Cats Home back in April 2019.

Upon arrival, Jasper was immediately given pain medication and bandaged to provide pain relief and prevent him from scratching the sore tumour. He was also put on a course of antibiotics to help treat the infection on his chest as well as the deep skin infection near his eye.

Poor Jasper had nothing to identify him or his owner. After seven days, with no owner coming forward to reclaim this gentle older man, our vet team went into action. Surgeries were organised to remove both tumours – the one on his chest and one near his eye. Jasper also had his teeth cleaned, and the team desexed him as well.

Post-operatively Jasper's real personality has emerged. When he arrived, Jasper was slow, sluggish and prone to vocalisation. Now Jasper is a new dog! He's happy, affectionate and loves to go for a stroll. A lot more content in the world he rarely vocalises now.

It's thanks to the support of the community and those beautiful individuals who donate to the Senior Pet Project, that we can provide the older residents like Jasper with the essential veterinarian care they need.

Our goal is to raise $150,000 by 30 June in order to fund the Senior Pet Project for the next 12 months.  Donate now to support the Senior Pet Project and give a senior like Jasper a new leash on life.

After spending five weeks in our care, Jasper is ready for his new forever home. You can read Jasper's full profile here.


Our Senior Pet Project, entering its second year, was started as an initiative not only to put a spotlight on these golden oldies to help with their rehoming, but also to raise the funds required for their much needed veterinary care and often prolonged stay at the Home.

With your support we are looking to raise $150,000 by 30 June to fund the Senior Pet Project for the next 12 months, enabling us to give the seniors entering our care a new leash on life.

Support the Senior Pet Project. Donate today.

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