Hurricane Jasper

When Jasper (previously Jammie) arrived as a 4-week old kitten, he had fleas and a ruptured right eye. Despite the fact his eye was bulging from its socket, he was a bright little boy who was affectionate and friendly, rubbing against our veterinary staff like nothing was wrong.

We had to act fast to help Jasper. Our vets started him on pain relief and flea treatment and booked him in for surgery for his eye. Suspected to be from an advanced case of cat flu, Jasper’s eye was unviable and had to be removed to relieve his discomfort and swelling.

Jasper got stitched up and spent his recovery in a comfy foster home with our Volunteer Coordinator Sue, who gave him all the time and creature comforts he needed to heal. He started experiencing mild discharge from his nose, indicating he still had cat flu so he was treated with antibiotics in foster care, which resolved swiftly.

Jasper didn’t let his ordeal slow him down. Throughout the rehabilitation process, he was playful, cuddly and even learned to walk on a harness and lead in Sue’s backyard.

Last week, after just seven weeks of rest and recovery, Jasper the one-eyed kitten found the purrfect forever home with Stacey, Mark and their senior Kelpie Angus. They recently lost their senior cat and wanted to give a home to a cat who needed a little extra love.

Within a day, Jasper was right at home. He’s made best friends with Angus and has earned himself the nickname ‘Hurricane Jasper’. He has not let his disability slow him down. In fact, with his parents working from home, he’s taken to jumping on their desks, typing emails and knocking office supplies onto the floor – all in a day’s work.

Stacey tells us she and Mark are completely in love with Jasper and he’s the perfect cat. He might be bouncing around like crazy one minute and snuggling on their lap the next.

Jasper is one of many cats who arrive at the Home with complications caused by cat flu. If you’d like to help provide the resources we need to rehabilitate pets like Jasper, please make a donation today:


Published 21 July 2021

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