Healthy & Strong Teeth

We spend a lot of time ensuring our pets eat the right nutritious food, drink enough water and get adequate exercise to ensure they have optimal health. But are you ensuring that your furry one’s fangs are in tip top shape? Proper oral hygiene is a key piece to great overall health for your furry friend and makes for a more pleasant lap companion. We discuss 4 tips to ensure that your pet’s teeth are healthy, strong and odourless.

Brush Weekly

Like humans, it is important to brush your pet’s teeth at least three times a week. By utlising a proper toothbrush with special pet friendly toothpaste, we ensure that our furry friend’s gums are not overlooked. Your pet might get agitated with this exercise however doing it regular will lead to them becoming more comfortable with the process. The best way to get your pet familiar with tooth cleaning, is to follow Sydney Pet Dentistry’s Slow and Sneaky Method.

Book Regular Cleans at Your Vet

The most important piece to keeping your pet’s teeth healthy, is to book in regular deep cleans at your local vet. Your vet will be apple to pick up dental problems and stop them leading to infections or serious health issues. Your vet can ensure your pet gets a proper deep clean by removing plaque, adding gum protectant, and most importantly ensuring a fresh breath.

Serve Your Pet the Right Foods

It all starts with what you put into your pet’s mouth. Raw kibble, carrots and apples are great for both cats and dogs, as their texture create a brushing motion against their teeth.

Chew Toys

Treat your furry one to specially designed chew toys that promote oral hygiene. Having your pet play with non-abrasive toys, help remove food particles and plaque build up.

To find out more, about what you can do to ensure optimal dental health, speak to your local vet.