Help Us Build a New Home

Evicted from our old home due to site redevelopment and now working from temporary facilities, we need a new home. By building a state-of-the-art shelter in Kurnell, we can help over 3,000 animals each year – more than double our current intake. We can be there for even more dogs and cats, kittens and puppies, who are waiting to join their forever homes! 

We have the land and cornerstone funding from NSW Government to start the build. Now we urgently need $8 million to complete the build to keep tails wagging, kittens purring and reunions happening.  

Sydney Dogs & Cats Home (SDCH) is calling on our wonderful community to help raise $8 million to build a new, state-of-the-art shelter in Kurnell. Just launched, this is our most significant appeal in nearly 80 years, and it’s crucial for us to continue our vital work of caring for thousands of lost, abandoned, and neglected animals. 

Two years ago, we were evicted from our long-term home in Carlton due to site redevelopment, and we’ve been operating from two temporary facilities ever since. These facilities are struggling to cope with the increasing number of abandoned pets, a situation worsened by post-COVID-19 circumstances and the cost-of-living crisis. 

“At Sydney Dogs & Cats Home, we’re the home of hope for animals in need,” says Melissa Penn, SDCH Managing Director. “We provide extensive medical care, love, shelter, and a chance for a better life to animals who come to us often in dire conditions. We’re an essential service to over 1.1 million Sydneysiders. But now we need the community’s support to help us build our new home.” 

Melissa adds, “We’re so close to making our new shelter a reality. We have the site and some existing funding from the government that has made this whole project viable. But unfortunately, spiralling construction costs mean we’re calling on the generosity of Sydneysiders to help us close the gap.” 

So far, we’ve secured $1.6 million from our amazing supporters for initial site preparation, architects, planning, and approvals, along with $12 million in cornerstone funding from the NSW Government. However, we still need an additional $8 million to complete the $21.6 million project. 

SDCH provides shelter, food, veterinary care, and love to thousands of animals each year. While animals are housed for up to 14 days for their owners to reclaim them, over 70% are never reclaimed, so we care for them for as long as it takes for them to be adopted. 

To donate to the Make Home Happen appeal, go here. Your donations will directly contribute to building a new shelter that will: 

  • Support over 3,000 incoming animals every year (more than double the current intake) 
  • Increase adoptions to over 2,000 annually 
  • Ensure over 1,000 lost pets are reunited with their families annually 
  • Increase foster care placements to over 800 pets awaiting adoption 
  • Expand current services to more Sydney Councils 
  • Improve Sydney’s animal welfare and management 
  • Extend community outreach programs to improve the health and wellbeing of vulnerable Sydneysiders in aged care and domestic violence situations, provide mental health support to various groups, and support people in criminal justice programs 
  • Offer TAFE and University students studying veterinary sciences research, training, and practical education opportunities 

For more information and to support Sydney Dogs & Cats Home to build our new home, read more here and help us build a better future for Sydney’s animals. Together, we can make a big difference!