
Pet ID 259141
Gender Female
Breed Mixed Puppy
Age 7 weeks
Price $599
Desexed YES
Microchipped YES
Rehoming organisation: R251000234

Lil is an adorable, intelligent puppy who’s always eager to learn and explore the world around her. She’s incredibly quick to pick up new skills and already knows how to sit for food! Lil loves her slow feeder and snuffle mat, where she enjoys hunting out treats. It’s her favourite way to engage her clever mind!

Though Lil can get a bit boisterous during playtime, she also has a calm and quiet side. She’s currently learning to self-settle, a skill that she’s picking up quickly. Lil is working on wearing her harness, collar, and lead, and she’s already learning the “leave” command to avoid chewing on the lead.

Lil’s playful nature is balanced with a deep love for her squeaky toys—there’s nothing like a good game of tug or chase with her soft, squeaky friend. She’s still a young pup, discovering the world around her, but with a little guidance, she’s going to grow up to be a well-behaved, happy dog!

Lil would thrive with a big dog sibling to help guide her, and she would make a wonderful addition to a loving family. As a typical puppy, she still has a lot to learn, but with her bright mind and playful spirit, she’s sure to bring joy to any household.

If you’re looking for a fun, loving, and smart puppy who’s ready to join your family, Lil is the perfect companion for you!

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