
Pet ID 256767
Gender Female
Breed Rottweiler
Age 40 weeks
Price $449
Desexed YES
Microchipped YES
Rehoming organisation: R251000234

Fern is a young, affectionate dog with a heart full of love and a bright future ahead! She’s looking for a family that will provide her with patience, training, and lots of cuddles.

Fern is highly motivated by food, making her a dream to train! She enjoys learning new things and will thrive in a home where her people are eager to teach her new tricks and reinforce good behaviours. With a little consistency, she’ll be an even more well-behaved companion.

Fern is a gentle soul who would do best in a quieter home, away from loud noises or chaos. She’s not a fan of the hustle and bustle but will flourish in a calm, loving environment where she can feel safe and secure.

Fern could happily live with another dog, as long as they are a good match for her personality. She enjoys the company of other dogs, especially those who are calm and laid-back like her.

Fern needs a home where she can continue to grow and feel loved, with people who will give her the time and patience she needs to settle in. If you’re looking for a smart, loving companion who will reward you with loyalty and affection, Fern might be the perfect fit for your family!

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